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Beating The COVID-19 Blues

Back at the beginning of this month I came up with a list of 145 potential bucket list items you can complete at home to beat the COVID-19 boredom (

Well, there's 2 things I want to share to help you if you are working on this list with me! Firstly, tonight is the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower visible in the UK most particularly between 12am-4am tonight (Ben and I are going to take a look at 11pm with fingers crossed). Don't worry - they appear every April!

Check out: for some general information from NASA about the shower and how it is best viewed. Hopefully we can all cross off "3. Witness a meteor shower", we're going to take a blanket and some hot chocolate down to our river estuary to view them.

Another item on the list was "77. Bury a time capsule". A couple of days ago, I was sent a fantastic resource to build a time capsule created by Long Creations to keep kids amused. They've had so much interest that they produced an adult version too! (Both can be downloaded for free from here:…/). I am going to be filling in my information over the next few days, picking out some photographs of these crazy times and even producing a little artwork canvas to bury. I'll snap my progress and post here with some tips in a few days time.

Happy star-gazing/digging!

Becca x

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